Energy Efficient Dryer Temperature Controller (Smart Controller)

Based on basic principle of tea drying, iDTC 20 valuable information & feedback from leaders in tea manufacturing industry, NexGen has introduced Energy Efficient Dryer Temperature Controller (Smart Controller) to maintain the desired parameters e.g. feed rate at dryer, dual drying inlet temperatures (T1 & T2) and the residence time/throughput time of dryer. It also ensures the following factors related to Made Tea quality concerned.

Inlet Temperature T1 will control by Energy Efficient Coal Air Ratio Controller (Smart Saver) for coal based heater, which control the chain grate motor speed, FD fan speed and ID fan speed of coal heater. By varying the following motor speed the system controls the T1 temperature within +1 °C.

For gas based Dryer, inlet tempertaure (T1) will be maintianed by Automatic Temperature controller which shall be provided by Client.

Smart Controller the speed of Feed conveyor of Dryer and maintain the wet end temperature (popularly known as T3) which ensure the even feeding based on user settable Temperature at T3.

Smart Controller the speed of cold air fan speed of dryer to maintain 2nd inlet Temperature ( popularly known as T2 ) which contributed the blackness of tea made.

Smart Controller the magnitude of vibro-mechanism which in turn maintains the throughput time and final exhaust temperature (popularly Known as T5).

Salient Features / Advantage

  • Maintain constant temperature at dryer inlet (T1) results in consistent and enhanced quality of tea made.
  • Maintain the constant temperature at T2 for ensuring the proper drying of Tea made at dryer.
  • Maintain the feed Conveyor speed and T3 temperature for ensuring the proper feeding in dryer.
  • Maintain the vibro-mechanism speed of dryer and T5 temperature for ensuring the throughput of dryer.
  • Minimize production cost by optimum use of energy.