Energy Efficient Coal Air Ratio Controller (Smart Saver)
Payback period of Smart Saver is less than 6 months.

It is essential to maintain the inlet temperature of hot air in dryer for getting better quality Of ‘Made Tea’. Presently the pre determined Inlet Temperature (T1) of hot air in dryer is maintained by the factory personnel based on their experience by controlling ID Fan, FD Fan & Chain Grate Stoker connected with heater manually. But due to manual control, inconsistency in drying, under fire/over fire of ‘Made Tea’ occurs, which ultimately affects the quality of ‘Made Teo’ produced. Since the manual control does not ensure the optimum use of fuel, uncontrolled running of ID Fan, FD Fan & Chain Grate consumes significant amount coal.

To overcome this, NexGen has developed PLC controlled “Energy Efficient Coal Air Ratio Controller (Smart Saver)" which ensures to maintain required temperature of dryer inlet (T1) through a close loop PLC control system by varying speed of Chain Grate, FD Fan & ID Fan to maintain temperature in the heater. Smart Saver constantly maintains, a preset desired temperature (within ±1°C), throughout the operation ( Without possibility of under fire tea ), and ensures saving in the average coal consumption more than 10 % w.rt. standard manual system.

Salient Features of Intelligent Dryer Controller

  • Maintained constant temperature at dryer Inlet (T1) results in consistent and enhanced quality of ‘Made Tea’.
  • Minimize production cost by optimum use of coal & electrical energy.
  • Minimize air pollution by ensuring the proper combustion of coal.
  • Reduces Heater maintenance cost.
  • Saves average coal consumption up to 10 %.